Reuters Staff 3 Min Read U.s. President Donald Trump Meets With Afghan President Ashraf Ghan


Western sanctions on Russia a stumbling block to revived Iran nuclear deal - Lavrov


Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the president of Ukraine, urged The states lawmakers to help provide aircraft to defend the country against the Russian invasion, during a video meeting with members of Congress before today.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is depicted at a graffiti by Italian urban artist 'TVBoy', Salvatore Benintende, titled 'Stop The Madness' holding a Stop sign in the national colors in protest to the ongoing Russian attacks. The art is in Barcelona, Spain.
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is depicted at a graffiti by Italian urban artist 'TVBoy', Salvatore Benintende, titled 'Stop The Madness' belongings a Stop sign in the national colors in protest to the ongoing Russian attacks. The art is in Barcelona, Spain. Photograph: Matthias Oesterle/Male monarch/Shutterstock

Chuck Schumer, the Autonomous Senator from New York and U.s.a. Senate majority leader, said Zelenskiy "fabricated a desperate plea" for the military aid, which would include planes, drones and anti-aircraft missiles. The Ukrainian president praised sanctions placed upon Russia during the meeting but pressed US lawmakers to become further past banning oil imports from Moscow.

"These planes are very much needed," Schumer said in a statement post-obit the gathering of more than 280 senators and House of Representative members. "And I volition practice all I can to help the assistants to facilitate their transfer."

On Fri, Zelenskiy criticized Nato for not imposing a no-fly zone above Ukraine. "All the people who die from this day forrard will likewise die considering of you," he warned in a speech.

Nato has said sending jets to shoot down Russian planes would adventure a severe escalation in the conflict. Zelenskiy made a 'drastic plea' for military aid to more 280 senators and representatives as Congress works on a $10bn parcel.

On Friday, Zelenskiy criticized Nato for not imposing a no-fly zone above Ukraine. "All the people who die from this day forward volition also dice because of you," he warned in a speech communication. Nato has said sending jets to shoot downwards Russian planes would risk a astringent escalation in the conflict.

Russian-made fighter jets familiar to Ukrainian pilots may exist sent to the beleaguered country, however, maybe via Us allies in Europe. Congress is working on a bipartisan $10bn package of humanitarian and security aid that could facilitate this.

Republican senators, including Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham, tweeted their support for Zelenskiy and further measures against Russia following the coming together. Rick Scott, some other Republican, said the U.s. should target Russia and Republic of belarus by taking "every activity to destroy their economies".

In Ukraine, Russian forces are attempting to trounce and encircle the cities of Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv and Sumy, with numerous reports of civilian areas being hit. Odesa, Ukraine's largest port city, is under repeated attack from Russian ships, according to Ukrainian officials.

Vladimir Putin, Russian federation's president, has refused to call off the invasion in face of sanctions that are withering the Russian economy, instead moving to shut down Facebook and Twitter access in the country in an attempt to quell internal dissent.

Putin besides warned confronting any Nato-imposed no-fly zone. "That very 2d, we will view them as participants of the military machine disharmonize, and it would not matter what members they are," he said.

The United Nations has warned of a growing humanitarian crunch inside Ukraine, with the UN'southward World Nutrient Programme maxim that millions of people require food aid "immediately". An estimated ane.four million people have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries.







Ukraine 'will win this war' but needs more help from Nato, foreign minister says in meeting with US secretary of country



Interim summary



Ukraine reportedly demands new round of sanctions






Hundreds take gathered in protests across the UK, including central London and Manchester, to protest against Russia'south invasion of Ukraine and to stand in solidarity with Ukrainians.

In central London, demonstrators gathered in Trafalgar Foursquare, conveying placards staying "Stop Putin" and "No to War", while singing the Ukrainian national anthem amidst other protestation chants.

The Central London demonstration began with a prayer led by Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, the papal nuncio to Great Britain, who said: "Today nosotros are all Ukrainians."

Speaking to the PA news agency, Volodymyr Shevetovskyy, 31, who attended the protestation from Kyiv, said: "What Russians are doing is they're bombing people from the heaven and we are quite weak in that section, Russia's war machine is much stronger there and we need the United States, Nato and the Britain, the developed world, to stride up and to close our skies."

A protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Trafalgar Square, London on Saturday.
A protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Trafalgar Square, London on Sat. Photo: Ian Westward/PA
A protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Trafalgar Square, London on Saturday.
A protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Trafalgar Square, London on Saturday. Photograph: Ian Due west/PA

In Manchester, crowds gathered in protest and solidarity at Piccadilly Gardens, at the 'Manchester Stands with Ukraine" event, the protest having been organised past the Ukrainian Cultural Centre 'Dnipro' Manchester group.

Ane of the organisers of the outcome, Bohdan Ratycz, told the Manchester Evening News: "Our hearts go out to our families - whether they will survive or not survive," he said.

"Ukraine volition rise once more. It has washed it in the past, information technology volition exercise it in the futurity."



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Un records 351 civilians killed and 707 injured in Ukraine on Fri



Russia and Ukraine to concord tertiary round of talks on Monday


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